Thứ Ba, 3 tháng 9, 2013

Published tháng 9 03, 2013 by ana03 with 0 comment

Fast Food is Fast Cooking, Fast Eating, and Fast Causing Disease

I enjoy eating fast food for the longest time even though I know that fast food is not healthy. I love McMuffins, the crispy McFries, McNuggets, and McSundaes - everything that has a "Mc" in front. I love that they are McCheap and its McDrive is very convenient when we need to eat food on the go. And they taste really good! McGoodness. I didn't want to know what they are made of, or rather, I was afraid to know. I preferred to ignore it because once I knew I can't let myself eat the very fast food that I once loved. Movies such as Super Size Me, Fast Food Nation, or Food, Inc. are some of the most popular ones that documented how eating fast food is detrimental to our health and unveiled the fast food business. Here is the real deal about fast food - it has very minimal nutritional values, they are high in calories, full of partially hydrogenated oil and trans fat, high in refined sugar, sodium, refined grains (not to mention they are most likely improperly prepared), and low in fiber or any other nutrients for that matter. All those things that leads to obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, coronary heart diseases, and other chronic illnesses. 

"How do people get so fat, so fast?" This 12-minute video shows the new epidemic of obesity that the modern society is up against. As Dr Lustig said it "Fast food is fast cooking, fast eating, and fast causing disease." Maybe he has a point.